our village Kroustas

Villa Dio Petres belongs to the very authentic mountain village of Kroustas. Time has stood still there.

Take a seat on a terrace in Kroustas and watch life pass by like in a movie. Everything happens on the street. The local debate about politics or the local things. The bus that stops twice a day. The oldest residents shuffling their rounds. The farmers who come for  for a drink from the fields with their sturdy pickups and dogs. Playing noisy children and the daily supplies of the supermarket of Jorgos.

This village of less than 400 inhabitants has become a culinary attraction thanks to the hospitality and Cretan cuisine of the restaurants Stavrakakis, Xatheri and Katerina.

This Kroustas is a gift for the guests of Academie op Kreta and Hotel Villa Dio Petres. The village is 300 metres away and is within easy walking distance.